I need to quit my job!

I am currently sitting here on my bed writing this post with an awful feeling in my stomach… I have to go to work tomorrow!


I work as a waitress in a restaurant/pub near where I live. I have been working there since December and I have been meaning to quit only Covid happened. Now everything has started up again and I’m back working, I really hate it. There is no social distancing measures in place which makes me feel uneasy and I dislike coming home complete exhausted with no real sense of feeling as though I have made a difference. Sure I helped people as much as I could but it really made no significant impact in the world.


This feeling of dread every time I have to go to work is slowly getting worse and I know it’s time for me to go and it’s something I have to do. But, I, like most people am no good and quitting and hate it just as much. I have only ever officially quit one job and at the time it was really difficult but once I had done it I felt good. However, I do have a bit of anxiety and doing it again.


Moral of the story is… I need to quit whether I manage to do it at work tomorrow or phone up during the week. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it.

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